Read Our Guidelines and Enjoy!
Welcome to Bodybuilding Nation! We strive to make our website a fun and informative place for fitness enthusiasts. These guidelines are in place to help you successfully understand and navigate our site. For a more detailed look at our terms and conditions visit this page and for our privacy policy visit this page.
Signing Up and Logging In
We welcome new members to log in and participate on our community. New members must be at least 18 years of age or older to sign up. Users who sign up and are not 18 years of age or older will have their accounts terminated at our discretion. Users may sign up by visiting this page. All information is required to sign up for our website, and we never sell your information to third parties.
Organizations are not yet allowed to have an account on our site. All users must enter their information accurate to their real information, we do not allow for fake accounts. Impersonations and false accounts will not be tolerated and may be removed at any time at our discretion.
For security reasons, once a user signs up, they must confirm their email address by visiting a link in an automated email that is sent once you register. If you did not get that email, you may request a new email to be sent by logging in and clicking a button just below the header of the site. If your email is not confirmed in 10 days your account will automatically be terminated.
Following and Unfollowing
The first time you log in, you will be invited to follow both nearby and prominent users on our site. You may follow other users to see their workouts, status updates, photos, calorie intakes and more. Aggressive following of users is not allowed and will cause your account to lose the ability to follow others. You will not be allowed to view anything but the profile photo and name of users whose account is private. You will also not be able to search for or follow private users.
Account Privacy
Users are allowed to make their account private. While you will still be able to follow public users, your account will not appear in searches and other users will not be able to see anything but your profile photo and name. Users whose account is private will be able to post, add photos, track their meals and workouts and function normally throughout the site. Private users will still be able to post publicly in our forum and write articles however, their questions, answers, articles and article comments will be public.
Posting An Update
Once you sign up for the site you are free to start posting photos, updates, and begin tracking your workouts, weight, and calorie intakes. If your account is public, others will be able to see your workouts and status updates otherwise everything will not be seen by others. Aggressively adding status updates, photos, and the like are prohibited and may cause your account to be banned from adding updates for a certain period of time.
Workouts can be saved as you go along so you don't need to have our website open at all times while you're working out. When you save a workout, a blue "edit" circle will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen. You may click it to continue your workout at any time. When you're done with your workout, you can then post the workout for it to become live in our tracking software.
Prohibited ContentWhen posting on the site, users are not allowed to post the following:
- Illegal products or acts.
- Pornography of any kind.
- Racist or hurtful content.
If we find a user posting anything that we feel violates our core values or rules, we will take action by deleting the post or banning the user depending on the severity of the crime. Anything that violates the law will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Tracking Calories and Weight
When you add a meal that you ate to the site, you will be able to add the number of calories, fats, carbs, and protein that were in that specific meal. These numbers are automatically tracked for you so you can see how what you eat directly affects your weight. It is recommended that if you're going to track these things, you keep them as accurate as possible for the best results with our tracking software.
You can update or track your meals or weight in the calorie tracker section of your admin.
Tracking Workouts
Workouts are tracked in a similar way to calories. When you update the exercises, weights and reps they are tracked in your own database that you can review later. This allows you to track your workouts and see how you progress from week to week.
You can update or track your workouts in the workouts section of your admin.
Interacting With Other Users
We expect all users on our site to be kind and courteous to other users. Rudeness, belittling, as well as foul language will not be tolerated. Nor will harassment or general "trolling". We expect that all users should treat each other the way they would want to be treated if they are just starting out in the fitness world.
Users are allowed to comment, or upvote other users' posts. Comments should be kind and follow our guidelines for interacting with others. Aggressively upvoting or commenting on users' posts are not allowed and may be grounds for your account to be suspended at our discretion.
Posting In Our Forum/Gaining Votes
Posting in the forum is how you gain overall upvotes on your profile. For more information please visit this page.
Article Writing/Commenting
Article writing is reserved for select users and has its own set of guidelines. Users are allowed to comment on articles to gain upvotes. For more information on our article guidelines visit this page.
Becoming A Verified User
Celebrities and well known people in the industry will be given a "verified" check mark on their profile. Users are given a verified check mark at our discretion. You may contact us for one however, the final decision is ultimately up to our staff.
Spam and Abuse
In an effort to keep our site as user friendly as possible we reserve the right to terminate any account as we see fit. Spam and harassment will not be tolerated and may result in your account being terminated and in severe cases your IP being banned. If you see spam or something that violates our terms of use you may flag that account, post or picture by clicking the flag icon for the post.
What Qualifies As Spam?- Signing up for multiple accounts either manually or by using bots.
- Aggressively following users.
- Aggressively commenting on other users posts or articles.
- Aggressively upvoting or downvoting posts, articles, or forum posts
- Posting purely for commercial gain.
Deleted Content
Content that has been deleted off of our site is permanently removed and cannot be recovered. While some information may be kept on our servers, the content is unrecoverable with the exception of requests by law enforcement.
Blocking An Account
By blocking an account you cease all contact with a user. The user will not be able to view or interact with your profile and will not be alerted that you blocked them however, if the visit your profile while logged in they will see a message that tells them they were blocked by you. You will still be able to view the users profile however you will not be able to like or comment on their posts.
In the event you decide to unblock an account, the interaction between you and the other user will return to normal. If you followed the user before they were blocked, you will continue to follow them and vice versa.
Deactivating Your Account
Accounts may be deactivated at any time. Other users will no longer be able to view your account however, any articles, article comments, forum posts, or forum replies will remain on the site unless you specifically contact us to have them removed. You will need to know your password to deactivate your account. If you do not remember your password you can request to recover your password here. Accounts can be reactivated by logging in at any time.